of allegations of misconduct. take a look at this. >> i don't have the ability to just fire people at will in the government. my understanding is you cannot do that. >> everybody else can be fired. why can't you fire people that work for snu. >> under the civil service laws, i can't intervene in the disciplinary process. >> chairman, is that true? can't these people be fired and can't you if that is true can't you do something about it? >> what you can inject yourself into is revoking the security clearances. as we heard testimony if you don't have a security clearance, you can work at the secret service or work at the dea. i'm not buying it. remember after there was a high profile incident down in colombia, they did fire a number of secret service agents and later fired dea agents. when they were caught again, they hadn't done that. they literally had given these people between 2 and 14 days