last word. >> the state is attacking individual freedom not just religious freedom. shouldn't have to be religious to say i don't believe in gay marriage. i happen' to think gay marriage is okay. people ought to have a right. >> to say it isn't because of whatever they view. >> and this idea of bake me a cake or i will put you in jail? that's nuts. >> we agree on that. john stossel, everybody. any holy water i can sprinkle on him? >> plenty more as the factor moves along this evening. declaration the constitution, bible are all sexist. good grief. s are, is -- also, is it legal on another illegal immigrant situation. he has been deported 20 ttlwhun+]wúa"l4m3qj@(w?5([(x4c8q6hcy@76luú@=,!h tt:ff@múy"í1;hu'ikp"%3uzú