of our allies in the arab nations in the gulf states in the middle east who are frustrated as well because they don't much like the idea of iran getting this sort of special treatment from the united states when they feel they're a real threat not just to israel but to their own interest in the middle east. >> so our allies don't trust us. our adversaries don't fear us. and evil is on the march pretty much all around the world. now, think about this, the russian reset didn't work with vladimir putin. the red line in syria he ignored. then you've got this bad deal with iran. now on top of that you've got yemen and somalia which he was hailing as a great success and libya as another one. and on top of that mishandled egypt saudi arabia czech republic, jordan poland and canada and australia i think you could probably add to the list. can you point out any success on foreign policy wise with the president? >> well, between this president and the person who advised him in his first four years, former secretary of state hillary clin clinton clinton, i think the only place they can either one claim success is burma.