al nusra to so-called moderates. a cia analyst put it this way saying the only thing moderate about the rebels in syria is their ability to fight. our american arms went very quickly to isis. isis is strong today because they're fighting with western arms. i think the terrible tragedy -- >> the thing that i've heard this week we had general michael flynn, retired general michael flynn in the program and he used to run up until july the defense intelligence agency. and he and general jack keane and some other top military experts have said we're not talking all military. nobody's saying this is an all-military battle. but when it comes to fighting radical islam, we're going to have to be more aggressive. we're going to have to have a multifaceted approach. and, yes, it's going to include boots on the groupd and a strong ro bust military option. do you agree with that? >> a lot of it. as far as the boots on the ground though i would say the boots on the ground need to be arab boots on the ground. ultimately civilized islam's going to have to rise up and be part of this.

Related Keywords

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