debate has gone with miss information and -- >> it's just a question, sir yes or no. >> there's been shameless rhetoric about my state and the law and its intention all over the internet. some of the media coverage of this has been shameless and reckless. >> final yes or no question governor. do you think it should be legal in the state of indiana to discriminate against gays or lesbians? >> george. >> it's a yes or no yes. >> hoosiers don't believe in discrimination. >> what do you think, george? >> there's nothing that peeks your interest more than when someone won't give an answer to a simple question. that makes you think you need to poke around. judging from what i've seen since then pence might have been well served to say that's not true. this will be decided on a case by case basis by a court. someone will arbitrate that. instead by deflecting the question, it was evasive