ginseng, which i have not used before, but it can increase your potassi potassium. or lily of the valley. these are herbs that people can use not knowing they're increasing their potassium. always talk to your doctor about what you're taking, but improve your blood pressure first before taking potassium. >> sometimes you get cramps in your legs when you take this kind of medication. what is that a sign of? >> it's a sign of interfering with your muscle capability and talk to a doctor. don't do it on your own. that's dangerous. >> i just get potassium from bananas. if you have my questions for your doctors, e-mail it. >> e-mail us and we may just answer it right here on the air, and by the way, all names and e-mail addresses are kept completely confidential. coming up, we have a new health alert for pregnant women. researchers are warning them to be more careful about how much weight they put on before and during pregnancy.