but, there are just too many different possibilities to speculate about what could have caused this incident. >> all right. but if you take 8 minutes to go down 32,000 feet, if you are a passenger in the back of the plane you are going to notice that it's going down, right? you can feel the plane going down? >> i believe that's correct. >> is there -- i mean, have you ever taken -- have you ever as a pilot taken an a 320 down that steep, for instance, 32,000 feet in 8 minutes? is that uncommon? >> i personally have not. however, it's certainly possible, and it's possible to do safely. i'm not sure -- i haven't seen the flight data recorder which will tell us exactly what the dissent rate was. once again i think it's a little too early to speculate. once you see that flight data recorder that will tell you a lot more of what you like to know he. >> i hear people say that a 320 is like a computer with wings. would you share that description or not? >> i have heard that description as well.