>> democrats feel what about this. >> a lot of democrats are angry about it. particularly over the issue of not consulting congress first. they called the speaker's office after the fact to let them know hey we've done. this and they admitted, on the phone to the speaker's office, that they know they did this in violation of the rule. that's an insult to everybody in congress. >> that's another thing. the law just doesn't matter to them in this instance. you know, the law require was them to notify congress and president obama did not, why not? >> because he just wanted to do it it he wanted to get through. he didn't want to have any checks and balances. a lot 6 democrats are going to be elm bare -- embarrassed by that. hillary clinton says it doesn't matter. that's on the wrong side of american voters. trading high level terrorists i might not do it for congressional of honor winner but not someone though abandoned his fellow soldiers. >> reason obama can not work with the white house right now. that's one of the main factors. they have made this exchange without consulting congress. it's one of the things the president does outside the

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