has it been relatively quiet or has there been protests every night. >> there have been some protests but the numbers were likely what we saw in august or even in november. about 150 out last night. but the dynamic here has changed dramatically and suddenly depending on events. it's a real question mark what the shooting will do to the numbers tonight. and especially the police response. they are really tread ago fine line and now emotions running high. what are they going to allow out in front of the police station tonight, greta. >> steve, thank you. it was the ferguson grand jury's decision not to indict officer darren wilson in the michael brown shooting that sparked more riots in the streets last november. and there is more news about the august shooting just last week the justice department announcing that the state of missouri that it will not prosecute officer wilson. and joining us officer wilson's lawyer james tuohy, good evening, sir. >> hi greta. how are you? >> what's your reflection on what's been going on the