have rogue cops out of control who want to shoot people for no or little reason? >> the media jumps on those bandwagons. and it's unfair and it shouldn't be -- they need to wait for the dust to settle. witnesses need to be interviewed. evidence needs to be analyzed and collected. and then if the officer did in fact do something wrong, then he or she should face the consequences. but let's not jump to conclusions and give one side of the story before all the facts are on the table. >> what we hear more and more is that, well, the cops didn't need to kill him. and we heard that in this wisconsin case that we just discussed, the 19-year-old was unarmed. why did he have to kill him? why couldn't he tase him? why couldn't he do something less than that? >> the tasers, the night sticks, pepper spray, these are tools at the officer's disposal. many times they don't work. drugs that are being made in people's garages that are not showing up in autopsy reports and drug tests are causing