hell out of them or a republican who will say they're a threat to america and go ahead and do it. >> general bolling, a quick question, are you sending -- >> we're not getting suckered into defeating isis. >> you want to send troops in? >> i want to win. >> this is a containment strategy. i don't think it's going all that badly. but let me just say, this hearing today was about authorization for the use of military force. and i tell you what's shocking to me, democrats and republicans in this congress have failed to fact on a request from the white house that i think is now two months old. >> please. >> and republicans why don't republicans say we'll give you this authorization, we'll fight isis anywhere you want. but the republican commentary is he can do that. >> juan, president obama fought against isis for six months before ever asking congress to use military force. the old still exists. he doesn't need an additional