conferences. candidates go weeks and months without holding them. she's got -- sooner or later you're going to have to deal with these questions. i don't think that this is going to disappear anytime soon because it's just too much still there to be asked about. the committee's going to be on it. sooner or later she's going to have to deal with these things better than she did today. she may be able to stone wall her way through the democratic primary, possibly. but my sense about that is that might even become difficult if a serious challenger arrives. >> how big a factor is it that many of the pundits reinforce beliefs about the clintons and their apparent beliefs that they don't have to follow the same rules that everybody else does? >> well i think it awakens a lot of unpleasant memories about the clintons. the evasiveness of it the carefully lawyered answers, the technicalities she seemed to be relying on to say she was innocent of everything. you know, it's not going to stand, megyn. and i think you know, people --