you are at risk that a ball will come off the bat and come back to the pitcher's mound. >> what should the warning be you'll fracture your jaw if you use the bet? >> the tests show the amount of kids injured from theyaluminum baseball bats is alarming. the ball is coming off at a high speed when the pitcher is 45 feet from the batter and the ball is coming off, there's no reaction time. we need to move forward with baseball bats. >> does a metal bat have the design to make the risk reasonable rather than unreasonable? david says it is an unreasonable risk. >> how do you design the risk out? some wood bats hit the ball harder, some break when the ball hits them. at the end of the day, it is impossible to do that. they do the best they can. the bat tells you exactly what it can and can't do. as long as the bat is