defended. and i'm looking at usama bin laden's house and i'm thinking this is so cool. >> so the guys outside the compound had to blow open the gate in order to enter the compound. those in the chopper that crash landed inside the compound just began moving toward the target that they had planned to hit. >> there was a door under the wall. we went up to that, one of the breachers put a big bomb on it, blasted it. and it opened sort of like a tin can. that is a brick wall behind it. theher said failed breach, this is bad. i'm thinking, no, this is good. that's a fake door. someone important's in this house. >> now, we still didn't know that the helicopter had crashed. so we announced we're going to blast the main carport letting them know because they're going to be fast roping in and don't want to blow open, but then we hear over the radio we'll just open it for you. we're like what's that mean? and the door opens and a thumb comes out, a thumb's up.