if you want to get away from auntie peter and aunt jane. scariest movie ever. >> was that approved? >> who do we have next? >> i love "the night at the museum." i really want to take eric to "the american sniper." the trailers to that film look amazing. he has a shot lined up and all of the sudden, the woman and the son walk into the shot. >> clint eastwood too. >> and it's an eastwood film, it was kind of snubbed for some rewards. i'm curious why. bradley cooper, can't go wrong. >> bobby, one of the richer films that i saw in the theaters, "miracle on 34th street." i want to go back and see that. one of the great movies of all

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Movie ,Auntie Peter ,Jane ,Wall ,Ainappropriat ,Night At The Museum ,Shot ,Trailers ,The American Sniper ,Kind ,Son ,Woman ,Sudden ,Rewards ,Eastwood Film ,Clint Eastwood ,One ,Movies ,Cant Go Wrong ,Films ,Theaters ,Bradley Cooper ,Bobby ,Miracle On 34th Street ,34 ,

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