children's behavior. it ain't even about race. raise that bar. raise your agenda of what you want. it is time for you to change it. because we're going to a whole other year, 2015. god is not foolishness of what's in store for humanity. let's bring down our murder rates in our communities first. i'm starting with us first. even the bible tells you in peter judgment must first start in the house of god. he's starting with you first. you want me to judge darren wilson? you want me to judge him? you do that? you want me to do this? okay i'm going to do that by however i'm going to do you first. starts with you. change starts with you. that's all the pushing, i'm moving under god's authority, his wisdom, his power, his might, his anointing in the holy spirit plain and simple. >> minister, i want to thank you very much. thank you for indulging us. >> neil, thank you for having me. new york city police who