high fences that are totally fortified, and you go flu a guard gate to -- through a guard gate to enter a restaurant. somebody has a gun that is trained on you as they're looking underneath your car. and then you look at how the white house is, maybe there's something in the middle that's a little bit more secure. >> that's the point. if you don't think you're going to get fired, why would anybody currently in secret service step up to rectify the mistakes? there was the prostitution scandal, then remember when the president went to nelson mandela's funeral, and the sign language interpreter was also a criminal -- >> right. >> funky sign language about cigarettes, and everyone giggled and thought it was funny? i did not think it was funny to have somebody so vulnerable put next to the president of the united states. >> outside leader, new leader from the outside to clean everything up. >> she's gone, now they're thinking outside. >> okay, interesting. new hope that dozens of fugitives living freely in cuba could be returned to the u.s. to face justice. among them a woman convicted of killing a state trooper more than 40 years ago.