ourself a little bit off the internet. to a certain extent, we may have to wean ourself off computers and go back to the old fashioned way to a certain extenth tent. because there is no safety or security with computers. people can break codes. they can break all sorts of any kind of -- any kind of check, they seem to be able to break. it's not only happening with sony, it's happening with many other people. at what point. >> i'm actually surprised as you saying that donald. it sounds like you are saying we should change back down or whatever, you know, rather than try to sort of get, you know, teach whoever the offender is. we're still trying to find out who did. this rather than try to sort of nip it in the bud and send a message this won't be tolerated you think we should just change? >> i'm say for a long period of time things that come out on the internet ha people think are totally protected are not. look at the email. look at the whole email situation. other than the irs. once you give an email. that email is there forever