united states doesn't torture. do we use legal enhanced interrogation techniques to get information about a tickling time bomb situation, yes, i think she's on the wring side of that. >> i think it's the right-there's an argument that she's moved too far to the center, it's a way to come back to the left. it's a way to get elizabeth warren off the board. she got off on a candidacy that basically said i'm bill's wife. so elect me again. where obama was talking about big change and all the rest of it. but she's playing to her base and she knows it. greg? >> liz warren, i find it interesting that the democrats and the media always portray the right as scary, ronald reagan is going to bring you into the third world war, except the end of the cold war, cheney's crazy, bush is scary, to me, liz warren strikes me as very, very frightening, she seems manic and

Related Keywords

Information ,United States ,Interrogation Techniques ,Time Bomb ,Side ,Situation ,Doesnt Torture ,Way ,Candidacy ,Elizabeth Warren ,Left ,Bill Clinton ,Center ,Argument ,Board ,Wife ,President Obama ,Change ,Brest ,Base ,Media ,Democratic ,Greg ,Jeb Bush ,Ronald Reagan ,End ,Crazy ,Cold War ,Third World War ,Cheney ,

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