to me. there was no prior warning. this decision was made behind closed doors. the public was not involved in the discussion. and i just feel it is not right. >> do you have a hunch who this one complaint could have come from? >> i can't confirm it is one person and one complaint. that is one thing i'll admit. how many people involved i guess doesn't matter and i have no idea. it wasn't made public. nobody talked about, that it was a discussion up for debate. they just behind closed doors presented their problems with somebody in the cambridge school system and this is what they came out of it for solution, to ban santa. >> why does that bother you? how will the kid be affected by this? do they know? what's their response been? >> my opinion why it bothers me, i come from a city that celebrates diversity and tolerance. i think at its base this decision wreaks of intolerance. and this whole celebration,