you asked if any republican members of the intelligence committee believe they were lied to and -- you did not let senator coats speak about an important issue, the flawed nature of the senate report. nonsense. the senator spoke plenty but dodged simple questions he was challenged. at least your letter was honest. you were looking to have your opinion validated rather than objectively looking at the facts which is what i was trying to get at. santiago, panama. international newspapers are reporting brutal torture by the usa. nice job democrats. john bradly, pace, florida, o'reilly, you are getting like judge judy. you were rude and nasty interviewing senator coats. paul, give me a break, you make millions, not a regular person. the regular folks obamacare does lower premiums. not on average. stats are stats. my health care premiums are up over 50%. everybody's different, carl. sorry you have to pay more. killing patton brought back so many memories because my late