interviewed either. >> let us know what you think on facebook. it is the question of the day. do you think the enhanced interrogation program was necessary to keep our nation safe? >> there is a guy in the f.b.i. who is very respected, he doesn't think the enhance of interrogation did work and that is fine. but there is another element to this, and that is the safety and security of our country, of our methods and practices and from those people who implemented it and those in harm's way today. >> i ask anyone to watch the tapes from 9/11 and understand the water boarding of k.s.m. >> we're all riled up about that. you probably are too. e-mail us. in the meantime ten minutes after the top of the hour. heather nauert has headlines. >> great to see you guys today. folks riled up in california. protesters in berkeley, california, shutting down streets, blocking traffic for a third night in a row. take a look.