political opponents. now, new allegations this morning that the doj went after conservative businesses. and so first thing allegation. meanwhile, according to everybody elizabeth talks to and that's by the way elizabeth's hair. >> that is. that's just my hair. >> share the shot with me. >> that's my hair. >> look at that camera. say it. >> now we are sharing: mornings are better with friends. >> believe her. >> it's time for "fox & friends." >> okay. good thing we did not hear that on television, tucker. >> i meant it in a nice way. >> you cannot. that will be taken in the wrong way. >> sorry. that was so great. i loved that. >> who knew this saturday could be so much fun. >> all i want is one shot to get my tease and elizabeth has to steal my camera. i'm tired of it. [ laughter ] >> okay. that's fine. hey,. >> good morning. >> thanks, listen, we very a lot to discuss today. and we're also going to play