he immediately transitioned into a typical standard stump speech. partisan. we need to rebuild the middle class. he attacked republicans in congress for playing politics. he even suggested that republicans lacked a certain sense of patriotism. put our country first we could get things done building roads and bridges. it seemed to be very discordonned. dropped that partisanship from the speech. >> today he says he was calling for a cease-fire. that's just like does anyone listen to you? >> we should point out that he also went on fundraising trip the day after the benghazi attacks, too. >> which i actually thought was different because i thought when we got attacked. >> the american we didn't want to make it look like our disrupted the president nafers one. i actually at the time didn't think that was bad. think think is terrible. >> it led to the same sort of criticism. did i go back and look, george w. bush after the september 11th attacks which were committedly way way