president's reaction to president bush on 9/11. >> if you read the accounts of that day, president bush desperately, he was insistent over the objections of everybody in the security detail "i'm going to be back in the white house tonight. i want the americans to see the commander in chief in the white house leading the country unafraid." americans are not seeing that from this president. we need the commander in chief, republican or democrat, when americans might be killed you want the commander in chief in charge. you want him back at the white house doing his job and not raising money for the democratic party. >> the white house did issue a statement late thursday demanding a full and credible investigation. heather? >> marianne rafferty, thank you so much. president obama's response to the crisis erupting into two parts of the world is already drawing comparisons to a 1983 incident. >> back then soviet fighter jets attacked a korean airliner killing everyone on board that plane. president ronald reagan did not mince words when it came to that