relationship between our two countries. germany ordered the cia chief in berlin to leave the country after allegations the united states recruited two germans as spies. the foreign minister said kicking out our intel official was the right decision but hopes to reset germany's friendship with the u.s. when he talks to secretary kerry. the latest spy allegations come as the u.s. is already trying to repair relationships after leaked documents show our country eavesdropped on chancellor angela merkel's phone call. >> israel is not looking for a cease fire from hamas. prime minister benjamin netanyahu said he will end the offensive when our goals are realized. the white house says president obama contacted the israeli prime minister yesterday offering to help negotiate a cease fire. gaza's ministry of health reports israeli air strikes killed more than 100 palestinians this week, and many of them are dead women and

Related Keywords

Country ,Decision ,Foreign Minister ,Americans ,Germany ,Official ,Countries ,Allegations ,Relationship ,Chief ,Spies ,Intel ,Germans ,In Berlin ,Cia ,Two ,Documents ,Spy Allegations ,Relationships ,Friendship ,John Kerry ,Prime Minister ,Israeli ,Hamas ,Benjamin Netanyahu ,Cease Fire ,Goals ,Angela Merkel ,Offensive ,Phone Call ,President Obama ,Air Strikes ,Women ,Many ,Yesterday Offering ,Gaza ,White House ,Ministry Of Health ,100 ,

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