targeting conservatives, but the destruction of evidence and obstruction of justice is a very different problem. >> the first thing i thought is the obstruction of justice and the way they destroyed the evidence, or potentially destroyed it. it's a huge problem. but you know, they've been telling us, dana, there isn't a conspira conspiracy. but when you have in writing the irs chief saying, hide things, doesn't that undermine their whole argument? and if there isn't a reason to keep any secrets or if there's nothing to hide, why do you need to keep secrets? one other thing that she said is there was an internal chat that they were using, the microsoft chat. lois lerner inquired whether the chat would be able to be salvaged and reported. when someone wrote back and said, no, it's not, she wrote back, person effect. why would you respond that way if there was nothing to hide. i think she's in this position because she isn't the typical mechanical pencil cracking number-crunching kind of gal.

Related Keywords

It ,Problem ,Thing ,Way ,Evidence ,Obstruction Of Justice ,Destruction ,Targeting Conservatives ,Things ,United States ,Reason ,Adana ,Irs ,Doesn T ,Secrets ,Chief Saying ,There Isn Ta Conspira Conspiracy ,Argument ,Lost Lois Lerner ,Someone ,Chat ,Nothing ,Microsoft ,One ,Number ,Kind ,Position ,Person Effect ,Mechanical Pencil ,Legal ,

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