>> not interested in photo ops, whoops? not really. as far as we can tell president obama has always interested in photo ops. most recently posing for pool picture in colorado. he we will be showing you some of the president's most famous photo op.s in a few minutes. nina easton, "the washington examiner" susan ferrechio and the hill's managing editor bob cusack. i just don't get it how does he say that? >> the fact of the matter most presidents are interested in photo ops. >> why does he say that? >> because he is in a no-win situation. i think if he had gone to the border, he would have been attacked bay the left and the right. >> right. i agree. >> but here is the real issue though is that presidential photo is a moment it's a chance to send a message and show leadership and chance to show you are in control. think back to george bush, post 9/11 standing on the rubble and sending that message. >> i totally agree to you but he says is he not into them. he doesn't do them. >> he doesn't have a clear