after the presidency, but let's say the last 13, 14 years have been very good to the clintons >> pat, i mean, it's been a bumpy right so far for hillary clinton. is there anything she can do to smooth out her path to the presidency? >> well, i think one of the thing is she can stop seeming so -- i mean, this money grubbing is just terrible. what john said about students, she gets up -- you know, this is the kind of what i was talking about people don't like with the smith survey. she says we've got to worry about kids being able to go to college and graduate. there she is siphoning off hundreds of thousands, and says it's going to the clinton foundation. the foundation is also a place which is housing all of her people who are helping her -- many of them, i should say. on the presidential campaign. it is a foundation they run out of their back pocket, and it's -- you know, it's a bit unseemly. >> robert, i've got to go.