to try this in the criminal justice system is absurd. this was an act of war. this was an attack on our ambassador, on our people as part of a war against us. it should be treated that way. these people are -- this guy is a military prisoners. >> how is somebody that is a terrorist that is not a citizen get into the federal court system? >> there is also the fact that we haven't utilized what we could get out of this guy. in term of being able to get really good intelligence from these people, we've interrogated them for very short period of time. we should be interrogating them for four months, five months, six months. >> breaking him. >> get everything out of him we can get. >> why? >> to save other lives. i mean to get the kind of intelligence we need to stop these things from happening in the future. >> the broader question is as we watch city after city in iraq fall now, you saw th israeli kids that were kidnapped and killed and you see the