malaki to power. that might open the way for the u.s. to send more advanced weapons to baghdad and the iraqi military, but that's a bit unknown. there is a lot of political wrangling going on in baghdad. it's not clear who will end prime minister. malaki is the most likely, but there is a lot of pressure from the outside to remove malaki from power, shannon. >> thank you very much for the update. for more, let's bring in republican adam kissinger. he is an iraq veteran. thank you first for your service. >> you bet. thanks. >> i would like to get your take having served there about what we're watching now. >> what we're watching in iraq is the worst case scenario, and that's what people need to understand. the idea of iraq falling and seeing a terrorist organization like isis come in and take power, at least begin to pay parts of iraq is to me the worst-case scenario short of if we had dmd in it or something like that. what you have is this bacteria