that they did. it's kind of repeating itself again. i think it's a symptom of a larger problem with her as a candidate. >> ron? >> mitt romney's problem wasn't that he was wealthy. it was that he was defensive and not comfortable in his own skin. he didn't connect with people. hillary has the same problem. it's not the money. it's that she is defensive about the money. all she has to say is yeah, i made a lot of money. isn't this a great country? i want to make sure all of you have a chance to make a lot of money. or she can do what her husband has been doing since he left office. i realized start left office we got to do something about the tax code. >> the mock of the democratic party is being rich is a crime and the republican party is afraid admit that some of them have money. >> i think it's a double standard. i think if she runs and she is wealthy, wealth is not going to be an issue anymore. because it's a democratic candidate. i think it became an issue when it was a wealthy republican. it became easy wedge issue. >> i think romney could have very easily handled the issue. if he had said, yeah, i have made a lot of money and i'm going to help the rest of the country make a lot of