all over the place. it's really hard to name an area of tech and say that's done, that's just not the case. the most interesting ones to me personally are the ones carving at the very hard problems. education, medicine, health care in particular. finance is my personal area of passion, obviously. but all of those things are just really hard. on the one hand, they are big, big problems, huge market caps. for a start-up to roll out of bed and say i'm going to take down the international finance market, it's easier to start a photo sharing company. but the momentum is now let's go gain the hard problems. >> i know immigration is something that you think about a lot. in terms of finding the folks that you need in terms of creating jobs and getting the skill sets required to put those folks in the jobs, are you finding them? what's your take on immigration right now and how would technology even seek further growth with immigration reform? >> so i'm a future -- of