that failed this year and doesn't count. >> so we don't know where those hard drives are right now? >> we do not know where those are. we'll gv you a full -- >> that's unbelievable to me that you don't have that information. >> unbelievable, i agree. with me, chief counsel for the american center for law and justice. jay listen, as a prosecutor, i'm thinking destruction of evidence. have you taken this to the justice department? >> well, we've notified them immediately when this started. but judge, it's -- the irony of this, i mean, you can't make this stuff up. if it wasn't so serious, it would be comical. but now the irs is saying not only is lois lerner's e-mail, hard drive gone, wiped out, but the other six, they don't know where those are. >> let me make this yeclear, ja. by the other six, the people in the government to whom they sent the e-mails, their hard drives