37 this is one of the small cars that got in trouble. you see the key. you want to come in and look at this. here is the small part, the faulty ignition switch that causes big problems for drivers, gm, you name it. right here. >> why not just replace the dang thing? >> well they can't make them fast enough. some of these cars are no longer being made. they're having a difficult time doing that. people aren't necessarily bringing the cars to shop to get them fixed. this key would go out of position and the car would stall. it would do it easily. >> go into neutral or something? >> neutral or another setting. the call would stall. then your power brake gos out. your power steering goes out and you have no air bags. what happens next? you have a crash. that's right. and that's what's happened to so many people. we got this one from one of the plaintiff's attorneys. this really bring it to life. this tells the story right there. >> and now they're investigating