united states and she said no, it's not a threat to the u.s. it's just a threat to afghanistan and to pakistan. well, that may be one of the most clueless responses i've heard in a long time because, of course, you don't throw our allies under the bus. you recognize as well, we have soldiers that are in afghanistan and the reason we're there in the first place is to protect united states' interests and our security needs. so i don't know where she's coming from. i frankly think this is a continuation of a pattern of the obama/hillary clinton foreign policy and we'll see what she actually plans to do in afghanistan, we'll get a chance in this upcoming presidential campaign to hear more. >> governor, speaking of hillary clinton, in an earlier interview as the book tour began, she talked about being dirt broke when she and her husband left the white house. and, of course, they've earned millions since in speaking fees and books, et cetera. but she by and large seems to have gotten a pass on the wealth

Related Keywords

Course ,One ,America ,Threat ,Afghanistan ,Responses ,Pakistan ,Place ,Reason ,Interests ,Soldiers ,Bus ,Allies ,Security Needs ,Hillary Clinton ,Foreign Policy ,Chance ,Governor ,Campaign ,Obama ,More ,Continuation ,Interview ,Pattern ,Wealth ,White House ,Books ,Pass ,Millions ,Husband ,Fees ,The Book Tour ,Being Dirt ,Et Cetera ,

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