it. i think to graham's advantage, he saw this coming, he wrkd on it it he had a positive message going out to tea partiers. lindsey graham said you and i may not agree on everything, but on the things we do agree on, do i a darn good job on foreign policy and things like that. meantime, eric cantor went negative on dave brat, attacking him with some attack ads that were of some questionable veracity and brat, as you say, a college professor, and here is something interesting. his opponent in the general election, jack tramel is also a professor at the same small college, randolph macon college north of richmond. how about that? >> so, at the same college? >> same college. >> that makes for an interesting walk down the hallway there. >> that will be interesting at faculty senate meetings. it tells you this. when you have a small district. when you are talking about a congressional district like this. the will of individuals is much more easily felt because it's harder to