secretary of veterans affairs, eric shinseki. that meeting just wound up just a little over 15 minutes ago. a short meeting about a half hour as we understand it at the white house with the president. he had henry is live at the white house in the briefing room. ed, if you could at the end of this very busy week set the table for us with the president coming out soon. >> reporter: sure of the stated purpose of that meeting with secretary shinseki for him to deliver this report, audit, if you will what has gone wrong at the va the posture from secretary shinseki this morning we should note is as we try to read the tea leaves he spoke to a homeless veterans group here in washington and seems somewhat defiant to say he wants to stick it out, taking responsibility we should note and saying this was much more systemic than he first thought. so that sounds like someone who did not want to resign. someone who laid out a battle plan to fix this he said he would be pushing out officials in phoenix where the scandal all