do this because he doesn't like this or that. >> so the part in the hole is what we're talking about. really don't count here as it relates to religious rights going into a mosque or a church. >> well, if they had said to him, you have to praise allah while you're there and he doesn't believe in that, that would have violated his religious rights. but he was performing a police function, not a religious function. that's what the cower said. and i believe the court was correct. >> for example, for a civilian like you think about mohammed ali said i can't go to war. my job as citizen is to go to war. you were drafted. he said, i can't go to war. it's against my religious beliefs. this is different? >> yes. because he wasn't asked to do anything. he wasn't asked to manifest an agreement with muslim teaching. he was there as a police officer. look, when you join the military and when you join a police department, you do give up certain rights. one of those rights is the ability to object to an