may be too late to prevent war in eastern ukraine but the united states must quickly take the measures promised by mr. obama or mr. kerry or lose what little credibility it maintains on ukraine. if sunday's continues it should continue kiev's request for small arms and forces. we're back with the panel, a.b.? >> well, when we were discussing the annexation of crimia, everyone sort of relented and said well it, really belonged to the russians, we will let it go but nothing else can happen. and now we are seeing exactly what many predicted, which was that putin had other plans, that he would find a way to instigate protest its and create pretense for another invasion in eastern ukraine. that's happening now. president obama has always been -- has frustrated his own supporters by being a long game player. the taker of the long view. and never really dealing with the fire that's flaring up in the short-term. there is no short-term strategy right now because the sanctions that were