john, this makes no sense. >> it doesn't make any sense, at least not when it's you're money out there. the u.s. taxpayers are about to hand the federal government a big fast east basket filled with more than three-quarters of a billion dollar in tax mow the government doesn't deserve. $760 million in unclaimed refunds left over from 2010 because all those people did not fill out a tax return and by law, after the years, when that dead line expires, that money goes to uncle sam. where the most number of people who are are do urefund? california, followed by texas and new york. the highest average refund is in alaska, $649, followed by wyoming at 648 and washington state at 640. so, who are all those people? i put that question to james robertsson, a tax preparation company, h & r block. >> well, many of them are young kids, students, people who have just started out working that may have been under the filing