feds were out there for seven days. they rounded up some 400 cattle. the round-up by helicopter. very controversial during calving season. they've counted 18 orphan cattle who cannot found their mothers. >> with the helicopter roundup you are dealing with cattle that are fairly trotty or wildcatle. these cows are going to be on the run. they have little baby cows with them that cannot keep up in this hot, desert country. so what they've done is created a lot of orphan cows. >> reporter: some of the feds claim they aren't going away, they say they'll try to resolve this through the courts and administratively. bundy says he doesn't recognize federal authority here, that his grazing rights predate and preclude, if you will, federal authority in this area that was established in 1934. his family's been here since the 1880s. but not everyone is with him. the nevada cattle ranchers association does not agree