refuse to take responsibility for anything any more. i blame the white house creating this culture of, hey, it wasn't me. >> i thought this was supposed to be the most open and transparent government in the history of america. that doesn't seem to be the case. instead this administration seems like they are more focused on protecting each other, all those in the inner circle than protecting the american people. sebelius should have been kicked to the curb. eric holder should be gone. this administration is lying. it's lying all the time to the american people. they expect the american people to sit back and put up with it. >> lois lerner, the irs, kathleen sebelius, hillary clinton, benghazi, eric holder, fast and furious, it doesn't end. >> eric isn't irresponsibility as much as lawlessness. what is the executive branch responsible for? keeping us safe. from foreign evaders, criminals, the enemy, not to fix the