primarily on what was going on in great britain although the king would just trample on that. but there wasn't a lot of babylonian or syrian it was listen, we need to have a justice system here that promotes the greater good. and we, the founding fathers, the guys who wrote it up and signed it, all right. we think judeo-christian philosophy is what the nation should be. and we can't even teach that. you can't even teach it in the public school. you mention jesus, you have got the aclu pinhead right down your nose. and it's wrong and it's hurting the country. i will give you the last word. >> listen, bill, i don't think it goes that far. i think what we are trying to do is create a more open and diverse learning system for our students. that goes beyond just teaching about jesus. opens up to other religions and other viewpoints that's what we -- in this country to. go to say all progressives is seq. secularists that's not true. i'm a big christian. i also understand that christianity is not commonplace in the