>> governments try to do this, try to stop things happening on the internet. turkey tried it last week, they were going to ban twitter. it exploded the other way. this is bottom up technology, now, it is in the hands of everybody. it doesn't belong to any government anymore. even if the u.s. government thinks it owns it, it doesn't. we see it every day in our lives, we all know that. >> when we come back, does trimming our fighting forces mean we're no longer in fighting form? hey there can i help you? shhhhhh (whispering) sorry hi, uh we need a new family plan. how about 10 gigs of data to share and unlimited talk and text. oh ten gigs sounds pretty good. yeah really good. yeah and for your family, it's $160 for four lines. (breaks whisper) what! get outta here! (whispering) i'm sorry are we still doing the whisper thing? or? o! sorry! yes yes! we'll take it. introducing our best-ever family pricing. for instance, a family of four gets 10 gigs of data, with unlimited talk & text, for $160 dollars a month.