ding dong foundation to or orientals or whatever. >> in case you didn't figure it out colbert plays an ignorant charkt a ter on his show. the tweet out of context lead to calls for his show to be canceled. tucker, you were saying in the green womb you wholeheartedly -- green room you wholeheartedly asked for it to be canceled. >> i thought it was real. i think the jokes are the conservatives are bigots. i can't decide who to dislike more, him or the professional grievance monger, the 24-year-old twitter chick who tried to get them both. of course he shouldn't be fired. it is a one-joke show. >> she will be thrilled to be called a twitter chick. >> i don't know what else she s. she doesn't have a job. >> twitter woman? >> chick. >> ellison, as the only asian-american on the panel, are you offended?