does it come from the missing plane? that's the question. >> it is. still a mystery. we don't have any proof whatsoever. reports of satellite images. roger, thank you. >> thank you, greta. >> how long were will the skies cooperate, enough to fly to one of these suspected district attorney bree fields or are we on the edge? fox chief meteorologist rick reichmuth are we on the edge of another storm system or a lot of open sky? >> things are looking a little bit better, i think, for this next 12 hours where they are going to be able to fly in there important to satellite images, you have a satellite that goes around the earth once each day. a satellite that's going to take that image in an opposite direction as the way the earth rotates. it's got to have no clouds to get that image. when you have these clouds with satellites going over it you can't get any of the image because it's a visible satellite. now, that's the storm. they do have to fly flew that storm from perth to get to that location where they have been spotting that debris. so we will get through that once they get there, things looking a little bit better.