lunz. >> we saw how millenials are pessimistic about the future. i thought an appropriate question would be what makes you most angry today about life in america? i'm going to start with gina. >> obamacare. >> you don't even need health care. >> i do. >> anyone else angry about obamacare? >> the rates are ridiculous. everything he said was a lie. absolutely every single thing he said was a lie. so many of!]y friend are either getting fired, their businesses are going bankrupt because their employers can't afford the new taxes. >> you volunteered for him. >> yeah, i did. >> do you feel responsible for these women and the challenges they're facing. >> correct me if i'm wrong if you guys don't think this is the scariest thing about living in america is we're willing to pay an athlete millions upon millions of dollars but the people who are responsible for educating our children