satellite that white there that's cloud cover. you see right now things are looking very very clear. that's current eastern coast time. by the same eastern coast saturday evening into sunday morning the next storm gets in here. cloud cover gets in there and quick system moves in behind it got about two stormy days. greta, what i would say is today's flight into tomorrow's flight weather is going to be looking pretty good for at least that visual observation and then things change again for about another 48 hours as the next storm moves on in. >> rick, when the next storm comes in, if that plane is there, are the current -- is the water going to be so rugged from the weather that is likely to move it so that it can be a very, you know, daunting task, further daunting task? >> well, keep in mind that picture was already four days old. so the current have moved it already. you consistently, they call it the roaring 40s because it's in the 40 to 50 latitudal space we have winds consistently in that 40 mile-per-hour range there. that surface wind moves

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Things ,Satellite ,Coast ,Cloud Cover ,Storm ,Sunday Morning ,Greta 370 ,System ,Flight Weather ,Observation ,Two ,48 ,Weather ,Plane ,Water ,Task ,Mind ,Meteorologist Rick Reichmuth ,Current ,Winds ,Picture ,Surface Wind Moves ,Space ,40 ,Four ,50 ,

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