>> the ukraine situation pushed up commodity prices like gold, like wheat and like nickel. i own nini. this is an exchange-traded fund that tracks the price of nickel. i own it at capitalist.com. i think it goes highers fr erer here. >> i love those commodity picks, those that have been hot. wayne, you've been hot as well. that's it for the cost of freedom block. thanks for joining us. before we go, last week we schooled jon stewart for bashing fox for exposing waste, fraud and abuse in entitlement programs. stewart shot back thursday night. here's the thing. the funny man agrees america has a problem. john, we have a kumbaya moment here. we should be fighting all waste and abuse in addition to food stamp fraud, right? let's take it a step further like the nearly $20 billion in medicaid, waste and fraud. $60 billion in medicare. $7 billion in social security. bottom line, waste, fraud and abuse is rampant in a bloated government set on handing out other people's money. that's my food for thought. by the way, johnny boy, we'll